Journey Of Your Shipping Container

Journey Of Your Shipping Container

Allow us to give you a glimpse of what happens after we pick up your container shipping. First of all, your container or barrel begins a fascinating journey. If you are reading this and located in Florida, it’s likely we would have personally picked up your shipping, you may have seen it loaded on to the truck – and hopefully, as we drove off, you would have downloaded our app for special offers :o). Depending…

Why Florida?
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Why Florida?

Shipping shipments to Guyana, Jamaica, Barbados and other Caribbean countries are rapidly becoming hot destinations in the shipping community. The choice of Orlando, Florida, for our office, was somewhat an easy choice. This positions us in the epicentre of shipping shipments to the Caribbean, and as we rapidly grow, this was a deliberate choice. Be it known that Florida is a key engine of the U.S. and world economy. Let’s take a look at why…